1. Приказки на Братя Грим том IAll over the world, everyone knows the names of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, related to some of the most popular and favourite stories: The Snow White, The Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel etc. I remembered them, reading recently with my little precious the books by New Media Group and Svetlyo Kantardjiev.
Few people know that perhaps the most famous Germans are not the authors of these fairy tales, not in the modern sense of the word. They were linguists and researchers of folk culture – rather collectors of folk tales. From that point of view, scholars claim that it is more correct to say Tales OF Brothers Grimm, not Tales BY Brothers Grimm. Unlikely, anyone who is touched by their fabulous collection would have thought to be so detailed and who says that discovering and collecting are not creative activities.
The first collection of wonderful stories of Brothers Grimm came true two hundred years ago and immediately became a literary event not only in German but all around the world. This collection turned a storytelling
into a profession, making known Cinderella, Snow White, Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel and others favourite tale characters.
Nowadays, many of us even no longer associate the names of these stories with the names of the great Germans. In fact, the greatest creations continue the life works of their authors.

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